Wednesday Night

Mid-Week Ministry of the Church

Prayer & Study

Cliffwood's Wednesday night activity is a time to get together for prayer and either singing or a time of teaching. The Cliffwood family meets for a meal starting at 5:45 p.m. and the prayer and study/singing begins at 6:30 p.m. Currently our lessons are based on Ligonier Ministries' video series on First Peter. If you've never visited Cliffwood we would love for you to be our guest on Wednesday night. Just stop in. We will have plenty of food for you.

Monthly Psalm & Hymn Sing

The first Wednesday night of each month is reserved for a psalm and hymn sing. The format for the meal remains the same, and prayer retains its proper place. However, instead of a lesson, we join together for a time of singing. As people choose their favorite songs to sing, sometimes we learn unfamiliar ones, while other times the well-known hymns of the faith are sung.