Our Beliefs: Inter-Generational

The body of Christ is made up of people of all ages

Over the past several decades, the definition of a family and the roles of its members have been radically changed without much of a protest in the Christian community. We have the obvious break-up of the nuclear family in our culture, with the family usually only together at the end of the day for a few brief moments after returning from a host of activities that, in many cases, focus on the self, rather than others. The Bible presents a very different picture of family life. It shows a father teaching his children as he lives alongside them (Cf. Deut. 6:7). It charges the father to be active in training his children in God's Word (Cf. Eph. 6: 4). In the book of Proverbs we have multiple examples of the father and mother being responsible for the upbringing of children. The question is: "Does the church support the parents in their God-given task?" Sadly, however well-intentioned they might be, the answer for many churches is "No." Instead of supporting and equipping parents, churches have mirrored secular institutions in trying to become the primary spiritual care-giver in the lives of the youth, instead of helping parents accomplish the task to which they were called.
At Cliffwood we are keenly aware of the need to equip families for service. We believe this goal is best accomplished when all members of the body are together for worship and learning. We do provide nursery for the very little ones, but by keeping your children with you in church you have an opportunity to teach them more about the passage that was preached. You have a foundation to build on as you lead them in family worship in your home. You have a springboard from which to ask them questions so you can gauge the condition of their hearts.
We know this is a new concept for some. But it is not as strange as you might think. Come and see how great a blessing corporate worship with your family can be. We will not leave you alone, but will support you and help you along the way in any way we can through parental training, forgiving smiles when little Johnny squawks, and helping hands with all your little ones.